ADMJ 0100 - INTRODUCTION TO LAW, CRIMINAL JUSTICE, & SOCIETYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Enrollment Alert: Effective Spring 2022, this course replaces ADMJ 0100 SOCIETY AND THE LAW. If you have previously taken ADMJ 0100, contact your advisor about course repeat limitations/rules. This course introduces students to socio-legal theory related to the nature of crime, criminalization, and the purpose of punishment in the American criminal justice system. We use theory to explore and evaluate the workings of criminal justice institutions in a broader societal context, including how criminal justice compares with other institutions of social control/welfare (e.g. the education system). We also learn and apply major approaches to law & society in order to interrogate broader issues concerning law's intersection with societal values, power, and inequality. In so doing, we explore the nature, strengths, and limitations of legal reasoning and its application to the criminal justice issues examined throughout the semester. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
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