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University of Pittsburgh Titusville    
2021-2022 Titusville Campus Catalog 
  Feb 16, 2025
2021-2022 Titusville Campus Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Financial Information

Bennett Davis Hall
504 East Main Street
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: 814-827-4495
Fax: 814-827-4522

Pitt-Titusville has established a program of financial aid to provide assistance to students whose resources cannot meet the total cost of education. Students are encouraged to apply for financial aid and to explore all potential sources of financial assistance including state, federal, and community sources, as well as the University.

Students may receive various types of financial assistance from a variety of government, university, and privately-sponsored programs including grants and scholarships (direct awards with no repayment required), loans (normally offered at relatively low interest with repayment due in small installments after the student leaves college), and/or campus-based employment. Additional information and appropriate applications may be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid.

Students should also check with their high school guidance office for additional grants and scholarships that may be available locally.

Financial Aid Application Procedure

To be considered for financial aid, students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). A variety of factors are typically considered in determining eligibility, including college costs, family contributions, student earnings, family size, savings, and date of submission of all appropriate financial aid materials.

Financial aid awards are made for one academic year, and eligibility must be determined on an annual basis. Therefore students must file a FAFSA each year. Students must show continued need, and must submit all appropriate applications each year within established deadlines, as well as meet all federal regulations regarding verification if selected (this may include submitting tax transcripts and other supporting documents). In addition, students must be in good academic standing and must show satisfactory academic progress toward their degree, as defined below, to be eligible to receive, or to continue to receive financial aid.

Detailed information about all financial aid programs, including financial aid policies, application procedures, and deadlines, in addition to financial aid applications, can be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid. Individual appointments can be made Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Federal regulations require that the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville’s Office of Financial Aid monitor the Satisfactory Academic Progress of all students applying for, or receiving financial aid. The programs governed by these regulations are known as Federal Title IV Aid and include: Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan, Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized/Unsubsidized), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work-Study, Federal Pell Grant, and most University aid. This standard does not apply to tuition remission for dependents of Pitt employees, some outside scholarships, or state student incentive grants (i.e., PA State Grant). State agencies awarding state grants establish their own academic standard.

All students who meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements will be assigned a Satisfactory Academic Progress indicator for the upcoming school year.

Satisfactory Academic Progress is checked once a year, after spring term and determines a student’s status for the next academic year.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards include three components:

  1. GPA Requirement.
    Students must achieve a 1.50 minimum cumulative GPA if below 30 credits, and a 2.00 cumulative GPA if the student has earned 31 or more credits.
  2. Pace of Completion.
    Students must maintain a minimum 67% cumulative course completion rate based on cumulative credits attempted and cumulative credits completed. All courses with a passing or failing grade will be counted as credits attempted.
  3. Attempted Credits/Program Length.
    Credits attempted by a student cannot exceed 150% of the credits required as defined by the University’s published length of the specific program. For example, for a 2 year degree (60 credits), a student must complete their program within 90 credits.

All courses with a passing or failing grade will be counted as credits attempted. All courses with a grade designated as G, I, R, or W will be counted as credits attempted. Credits on all repeated courses will be counted as credits attempted. Transfer credits from another school will be counted both in terms of hours attempted and hours completed in SAP evaluation. Reinstated students do not have prior attempted credits excluded from the determination for student aid eligibility, as required by federal regulations.

Unsatisfactory Progress

Those not making progress will be dropped to “not meet progress” and be denied student aid for any upcoming enrollment period until they have met the requirements for satisfactory academic progress. Students academically dismissed are automatically ineligible for further financial aid.

The student can regain Satisfactory Academic Progress after being placed on Not Meet Progress by:

  • Registering and paying for classes using his/her own funds. Students may wish to consider the PittPAY Payment PLAN or certain alternative loans that do not require SAP. Upon meeting financial aid satisfactory academic progress criteria as stated above, the student must request financial aid reinstatement and complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), OR
  • The student may appeal the loss of financial aid eligibility if a student has experienced circumstances beyond control that have kept them from maintaining satisfactory academic progress. After review by the Financial Aid Office, if an appeal is reviewed favorably, the student will be granted one term of Probation for financial aid and eligibility will be reinstated for one payment period. Students on probation must be able to demonstrate that they will be able to meet SAP standards at the end of the next payment period. In cases where it is not possible for a student to meet minimum requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress in one term, the student can be placed on an academic plan. If the academic plan is approved, the student’s financial aid eligibility will be reinstated for one payment period. Students must meet the requirements of the academic plan at the end of the payment period to be eligible to receive aid for subsequent terms. The student will remain on the academic plan until they have met the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information on the appeals process.

PA State Grant Program

In addition to the general Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines, undergraduate students receiving a PA State Grant are subject to a separate satisfactory academic progress review. Students that receive the PA State Grant are required to complete a minimum of 12 credits for each full-time PA State Grant received or a minimum of 6 credits for each part-time PA State Grant received in the most recent completed academic year.

For more specific information, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.

Financial Assistance Programs

By completing the FAFSA application process outlined above, students are applying for:

Federal Pell Grant-federal entitlement program providing assistance to qualified applicants;

Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grant (SEOG)-institutionally controlled federal grant program awarded on the basis of significant financial need and available funding (must be Federal Pell Grant eligible to receive);

Federal Work Study-on-campus employment program supported by federal and institutional funds;

PA State Grant-state-sponsored grant program available to eligible Pennsylvania residents;

In addition, students are eligible to apply for Federal Direct Subsidized and/or Unsubsidized Loans and Federal Direct Parent PLUS loans. Students who receive loans are reminded of their repayment obligations. Promissory notes will detail these obligations.

Veterans’ Educational Benefits

For questions and information regarding educational benefits for veterans or spouses and children of service connected disabled veterans, visit our Web site at: and click on Veterans under the Admissions index tab. You may also call the Titusville Certifying Official at 814-827-4495.

University Scholarships and Grants

Donor Scholarships — Pitt-Titusville awards several scholarships made possible by gifts from private donors and direct institutional funds based on a student’s high school academic achievements. Admitted students are considered for assistance from all sources offered by the college.

All donor scholarships require the student complete a FAFSA application and be enrolled full-time and continuously during the academic year. These scholarships are awardable for a maximum of two academic years (August-April) - Summers not included. In order to renew for a second year, a student must have a minimum cumulative 2.85 GPA. The following are the specific awards and their additional specific eligibility criteria:

The DeFrees Family Foundation Scholarship-awarded to students enrolled at Pitt-Titusville from Warren County

Ruth R. Gilson Scholarships-awarded to Titusville High School graduates

Betty Root Scholarships (in memory of Delbert Proper and Jessie Lamberton Proper)-awarded to students who are accepted into our Nursing Program who are graduates of Maplewood High School

The Campbell and Panizza Family Scholarships-awarded first to graduates of Fort Cherry or Monesson High Schools, then to students from Monessen or McDonald, PA, then to students from Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties.

Ben McEnteer Scholarship Fund-awarded to deserving full-time students

John Hugh Erickson II Memorial Scholarship-awarded to deserving full-time students

Marshall A. Fisher Scholarship-available to graduates of Titusville Area High School (application forms are available in the high school guidance office)

Walter Scott Kriner Family Scholarship-awarded to deserving full-time students

Ki R. Shim, PhD. and Chungja C. Shim M.D. scholarship fund-awarded to deserving full-time students

Emil M. and Kathleen M. Spadafore Endowed Fund for Student Resources-awarded to deserving full-time students

UPT Nursing Grants-All students admitted full-time to UPT Nursing program are awarded $2500/year grant.  It is renewable for the second year only at the Titusville campus if the student remains a full-time  with minimum 2.0 overall GPA.

For more specific details on each of these scholarships, please visit

Tuition, Fees, and Other Charges

The following are the costs for the 2019-2020 academic year (subject to change each academic year).

The University of Pittsburgh reserves the right to change the tuition rate and fees at any time without advance notice.

The University’s tuition and mandatory fee rates are available on the Tuition and Mandatory Fees  page.

Determining How Full-Time vs Part-Time Students are Billed

In the Fall and Spring Terms:

Undergraduate students registered for 12 to 18 credits in the Fall and Spring Terms are regarded as full-time students, and are assessed the current undergraduate “flat” tuition rate for their academic center.
Undergraduate students registered for fewer than 12 credits are considered part-time, and are billed on a per-credit basis.

Graduate students registered for 9 to 15 credits in the Fall and Spring Terms are regarded as full-time students, and are assessed the current graduate “flat” tuition rate for their academic center.

Graduate students registered for fewer than 9 credits are considered part-time, and billed on a per-credit basis.

Students will be charged per credit for each credit exceeding the maximum full-time credit limit.

In the Summer Term:

All students are billed on a per-credit basis in the Summer Term with the exception of students in the School of Dental Medicine Dental Hygiene Certificate Program; the Swanson School of Engineering undergraduate program; the Katz Graduate School of Business Full-time MBA, MBA/MS and EMBA Programs; and the School of Nursing Accelerated Nursing Program.

About Mandatory Fees

Mandatory Fee figures are applicable to students regardless of Pennsylvania or Out-of-State residency. Not listed under Mandatory Fees are:

  1. Course/major fees that are based upon registration in specific courses (e.g., lab fees).
  2. Academic fees (e.g., application fees, academic program fees for programs such as Cooperative Engineering Program and Study Abroad).
  3. Service fees (e.g., late application for graduation and lost ID cards).
  4. Professional workshop and professional development fees
  5. Specific-student fees such as the Freshman Socialization Fee at the Greensburg Campus.
Application fee (non refundable) $45 one time
Tuition deposit (non refundable)
(applied to first term’s tuition)

The difference between in-state and out-of-state tuition is provided through an appropriation from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (see Eligibility for Reduced Tuition).

Course Fees

Chemistry lab fee $50 per course
Biology lab fee $50 per course
Nursing lab fee $75 per course

An additional charge for excessive breakage will be made in all lab courses.

Service Fees

Late registration fee $25
Late add or drop fee $25 each transaction
Late graduation application fee $25
Official Transcript preparation fee $6 per transcript
Late payment fee $50
Returned check fee $30 per check
Challenge Exam fee $75 per exam
ID card replacement $20 each time
Student Parking Permit Fee $10

Eligibility for Reduced Tuition

Tuition rates for the University of Pittsburgh are based on whether or not the student is a permanent resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A higher tuition rate is charged to nonresidents. A student who has lived in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a continuous period of 12 months immediately prior to attending any college or university in the state may be eligible for reduced tuition rates. To be eligible, the student must be a citizen of the United States or have an immigrant or permanent resident visa. For a student under 21 years of age, both the student and parents or legal guardian must reside in Pennsylvania.

Copies of Guidelines and Procedures for Determining Eligibility for Reduced Tuition Rates are available upon request in the Office of Admissions. Any admitted student may petition for reduced tuition rates by supplying convincing evidence to be reviewed by the Office of Student Services.

To be effective for a particular term, petitions must be submitted within the first 30 calendar days of the term. NO DUE DATES WILL BE EXTENDED, NOR WILL LATE PAYMENT OR LATE REGISTRATION FEES BE WAIVED FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO THE DETERMINATIONS OF ELIGIBILITY FOR REDUCED TUITION.

Only the Director of the Office of Student Services may evaluate eligibility for tuition purposes. Students who change their domicile from Pennsylvania to another state must promptly give written notice to the Office of Student Services.

Students under 21 years of age must report a change in their parents’ or legal guardians’ address.

Students who are found eligible for resident tuition rates at the time of initial classification due to an error in classification are subject to retroactive reclassification as nonresidents and are responsible for the payment of all related tuition and fees.

Students who are found eligible for reduced tuition rates as a result of facts concealed or falsified at the time of initial classification are subject to University discipline and legal action and are responsible for the payment of all nonresident tuition and fees, including legal fees.

Payment Policies

Students and their Authorized Users will be notified by email periodically before the due date if there is a balance due on the student account. Monitor the Account Summary and Account Activity tabs in PittPAY to see your account activity, account balance, and due date.

Pending loans will be counted as a credit to the student’s account as Anticipated Aid on the Account Activity tab in PittPAY for 60 days. If the loans are not finalized by the end of 60 days, the loan amount(s) will be added back into the total amount due and become the responsibility of the student.

Any payments made by check should include the student ID on the check.


Payment Plan Option

You may pay your balance due in full by your due date, or you can elect to enroll in an optional PittPAY Payment Plan and pay in installments over time instead. Our optional Payment Plan is designed to help families spread out balance due on the student account over a series of regular installments.

Depending on the date you enroll in a Payment Plan, you may be eligible for up to six installments for fall or spring terms, or up to 3 installments for summer term. Payment Plan installments will be automatically deducted on the 5th of each month from the bank account or credit card you specify when enrolling in the plan.

There is a $45 sign-up fee for each term-based payment plan. Monthly installment payments are automatically debited each month from the bank account or credit card you designate when you enroll in a plan. There is a 2.75% nonrefundable convenience fee if you elect to make installment payments by Discover Card, MasterCard, or VISA; installments paid by eCheck are processed for no additional charge.

Late Fees

If a balance due is not paid by the due date, late payment fees will be charged. Repeated failures to pay will also incur financial holds and withholding of transcripts and/or grades. No student will be allowed to register for a subsequent term until the current term’s account is fully settled. Past due accounts will also be referred for collection.

Registration Status

A student who is registered for 12 or more credits, or the equivalent, during the fall, spring, and/or summer term is considered to have full-time status for that term. Students registered for less than 12 credits are considered part-time.

A student’s registration status is active when admitted and enrolled in the term of admission. A student must register for at least one credit in a 12-month period in order to maintain active status.

Termination of Registration by the Add/Drop Process

Students may terminate registration for all classes by informing the Office of Student Services of their intent to do so prior to the end of the add/drop period for the term.

Termination of Registration by the Resignation Process

After the end of the add/drop period for the term, students must resign through the Office of Student Services.

An official resignation occurs when the student notifies the Office of Student Services of his or her intent to terminate his or her registration for all classes after the end of that term/session’s add/drop period, but no later than the 60 percent point (in time) of the term or session.

After the 60 percent point of the term or session, students can only terminate their registration by withdrawing through the Office of Student Services.

Failing to attend the classes for which a student is registered or failing to notify the appropriate academic and administrative offices of nonattendance is not considered an official resignation. Students who fail to follow proper procedures for termination of their registration are responsible for all tuition and fees assessed for the term or session.

The effective date of resignation is determined by one of the following: (1) the date of in-person contact with the Office of Student Services, (2) the date of the postmark on the letter of intent to resign (or the date of receipt if no postmark exists), or (3) the date of notification by telephone or e-mail.

Charges When Dropping a Course(s)

When a student drops a course or courses, there is no tuition charge if the course(s) is/are dropped before the add/drop period ends. After the add/drop period ends, no refund of tuition or fees will be given unless a student resigns (drops all courses); then a prorated refund may be given during a limited time frame.

Title IV Refund Policy

Adjustments to tuition charges resulting from official resignations are based on the effective date of the resignation and in accordance with the federally mandated calculation.

The calculation is based on the period of enrollment completed.  That percentage is computed by dividing the total number of calendar days in the term into the number of calendar days completed, as of the date of student notification.  The percentage of Title IV assistance to which the student is entitled (has “earned”) is equal to this percentage of the term completed, up to 60%.  If the resignation occurs after 60% of the term is completed, the percentage is equal to 100%.  The amount of Title IV aid which must be returned is based on the percentage of “unearned” aid.  That percentage is computed by subtracting earned aid from 100%.  The University is required to return the lesser of 1) the unearned aid percentage applied to institutional charges or 2) the unearned aid percentage applied to the total Title IV aid received.  The student is required to return the difference between the amount of unearned aid and the amount returned by the University.  If the student (or parents in the case of PLUS loans) is required to return a portion or all of their loan proceeds, the calculated amount is to be repaid according to the loan’s terms.  Funds are returned to the following Title IV sources in order of priority: 1. Unsubsidized Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) or Direct Loans 2. Subsidized Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) or Direct Loans 3. FFEL or Direct PLUS loans 4. Federal Pell Grants 5. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) program 6. Other Title IV assistance for which a return of funds is required 7. Other federal, state, private, or institutional financial assistance.

  1. Title IV Programs
    1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
    2. Federal Direct Subsidized Loans
    3. Direct Plus Loans
    4. Federal Pell Grants
    5. Federal Supplemental Ed. Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
    6. Any other Title IV program
  2. Non-Title IV Programs (refunded according to resignation percentage)
    1. Institutional Loans
    2. Institutional Scholarships and/or Grants
    3. Private Scholarships
    4. Private Loans
    5. State Grants

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