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University of Pittsburgh Titusville    
2020-2021 Titusville Campus Catalog 
  Feb 16, 2025
2020-2021 Titusville Campus Catalog [Archived Catalog]


Bennett Davis Hall
504 East Main Street
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: 814-827-4509
Phone toll-free: 888-878-0462
Fax: 814-827-4519

The University of Pittsburgh at Titusville (Pitt-Titusville) seeks applicants interested in building a strong academic foundation in a personalized campus setting. University programs focus on the first two years of college and prepare students for direct career entry upon completion of associate degrees or successful relocation and completion of four-year, baccalaureate degree programs.

Each application to Pitt-Titusville is evaluated individually by the Admissions Committee. In addition to scholastic achievement, the Committee considers co- and extracurricular involvement, leadership, special interests and talents, performance on college entrance examinations, personal motivation, and perceived ability for success at Pitt-Titusville . The Admissions Committee seeks to identify and admit candidates who will benefit from and contribute to the diversity of the Pitt-Titusville student body.

Any student with a high school diploma or its equivalent may apply for admission to an associate degree program at Pitt-Titusville.


Admission Procedure

All high school graduates, equivalency diploma recipients, and transfer students interested in pursuing nursing education at Pitt-Titusville and applying for admission to full-time study or degree-seeking part-time study must file an application for admission. Applications are provided by the Office of Admissions, or they can be submitted electronically at  Once admitted, students will receive information about orientation and registration.

Applicants for admission to the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville should submit the following materials to the Pitt-Titusville Office of Admissions:

  1. Pitt-Titusville application form
  2. Official high school transcript
  3. Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Testing Program (ACT) scores
  4. Transfer applicants must also submit official academic transcripts from each college attended.

In addition, the following items, while not required, will be considered by the Admissions Committee, and applicants are encouraged to include these optional items:

  1. Admissions interview
  2. References/letters of recommendation
  3. Essay/personal statements

Transfer Credits

Students who have taken credits at other colleges or universities may be able to apply them toward one of Pitt-Titusville’s associate degrees. However, not all credits will transfer, and only a maximum of 30 credits will be accepted toward completion of the degree. Evaluation of transcripts for transfer into an associate degree program will be made by the Campus Dean on an individual basis. It should also be noted that the final 30 credits of the degree must be completed in residence at the Titusville campus.

Campus Visit

Appointments for interviews and campus visits, although not required, are encouraged. The purpose of the campus visit is to allow student candidates and their families an opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the programs, facilities, admission policies, and campus environment. Interviews and visits may be scheduled weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. throughout the year.

Admission Requirements

All applicants for admission to the University of Pittsburgh at Titusville must graduate from an accredited secondary school or hold an equivalency diploma; submit 15 units of secondary school credit; and submit scores from one of the following: the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Testing Program (ACT). Test requirements may be waived in special circumstances where the student has been out of school for a number of years. Recommended preparation includes:

English 4 units
Algebra 1 unit
Plane Geometry or Algebra II 1 unit
History 1 unit
Laboratory Science 1 unit
Academic Electives 7 units
Total 15 units


Applicants for the Nursing program have additional admission requirements. Contact the Office of Admissions or the Nursing Program office for full details.

Advanced Placement

The University accepts advanced placement credits according to the following schedule:

Exam Code



Credits For


ADAP Studio Art - Drawing 4,5 SA 0130  3
AHAP Art History 3,4,5 HA&A 0010  3
AMAP U.S. History 4,5 HIST 0600 or 0601  3
BSAP Biology 4 BIOSC 0050, 0150  4
    5 BIOSC 0050, 0150, 0060, 0160  8
CAAP Computer Science A 3, 4, 5 CS 0131 3
CBAP Computer Science AB 3, 4, 5 CS 0131 3
CHAP Chemistry 3, 4 CHEM 0110  4
    5 CHEM 0110, 0120  8
EEAP Economics-Macroeconomics 4, 5 ECON 0110  3
EHAP European History 4, 5 HIST 0100 or 0101  3
ESAP Environmental Science 4, 5 BIOSC 0820 3
FRAP French Language 4 FR 0101 3
FRAP French Language 5 FR 0101, 0102 6
LAAP English Language and Composition 4, 5 ENG 0101 3
LIAP English Literature and Composition 4, 5 ENGLIT 0000 or ENG 0101 3
MAAP Calculus AB 4, 5 MATH 0220  4
MBAP Calculus BC 4, 5 MATH 0220, 0230  8
PHAP Physics B 4 PHYS 0110  3
PMAP Physics C Mechanics 4, 5 PHYS 0174  4
PSAP Psychology 4, 5 Psychology 0010  3
SSAP Statistics 4, 5 STAT 1000  4
UGAP U.S. Government and Politics 4, 5 PS 0200  3
WHAP World History 4, 5 HIST 0700 3

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